Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brynlee's Birth Story

Wednesday, December 8th:
 40 weeks pregnant exactly- as of Monday I had not made any more progress towards having our baby! James decided to come home around lunch to just hang out for the afternoon. So we headed off to lunch. While eating I started having mild contractions that were anywhere from 5-7 minutes apart. These continued throughout the afternoon. Sometime around five, they started getting more regular at five minutes and a little more intense. Even though they still didn't hurt that bad, we decided to go to the hospital just to check things out.

We arrive at the hospital at 6:30. The nurse checks everything and hooks me up to the monitor to watch contractions for an hour. After an hour I was still dilated the same as when we came in {4cm}. Since we only live two miles from the hospital the doctor said we could go home- but the nurse told us we would be back that night {her guess was around midnight}.

Leaving for the hospital the first time.
So we leave the hospital and immediately the contractions are much more intense and closer together. By the time we got home at 9:00, I could not talk through the contractions and the pain had at least doubled. I tried to relax like the nurse said to, but that wasn't happening. So at about 10:30 we headed back to the hospital.

Once again the nurse checked everything and I was now 5cm dilated- so we were staying. We moved rooms and an hour later had progressed to 7cm dilated. The nurse called the anesthesiologist {who was 35 minutes away in South Tulsa} hoping he would get there in time. {They did give me "pain" medicine in the meantime. It didn't really take away any pain but allowed me to at least breath through the contractions.} Within the next hour I was 9 cm dilated. The anesthesiologist arrived to give me the epidural- which let me say, was not nearly as scary as I had imagined, and was even more wonderful than I had imagined.

Apparently I kept the room super cold- James decided to warm up while waiting for Brynlee
Just hanging- post epidural!
Although labor had been moving along very quickly, at this point everything kind of changed. Sometime in between being checked the previous time and getting the epidural, Brynlee had flipped and was now face up. Since this happened, she basically stopped making any more progress. So now we were waiting.

The nurses had me do a couple of things to try to get her to flip or at least labor down so that I could still push her out. So this whole time we had the on-call doctor. By this time, it was about 4:00 in the morning. The doctor was scheduled to have his own surgery that morning at 7:00, so he had to leave. This meant he could call my doctor in for the actual delivery! I was pretty excited to hear this... the whole time I was pretty nervous about not being able to deliver with my doctor. So yea. By 5:30 the nurses and my doctor felt like Brynlee was finally in the position that I could push. So I did- and Brynlee was born at 5:59 A.M. December 9th.
first family photo
I can't say enough about the nurses that we had. One nurse was even the mom of one of our good friends from church. They were all wonderful and really worked for us. {Later we found out that the had the on-call doctor stayed through the morning, he probably would have made us do a C-section} Overall, it really was a good experience!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


She has arrived...

Brynlee Anne Summers was born at 5:59 A.M. Thursday, December 9th. 

And of course she is perfect and amazing- currently taking a small nap in her swing!

There is much more to come about her birth and arrival, but for now a few pictures...

There is plenty more to come... later!

Monday, December 6, 2010

still no baby...

So we went to the doctor again today. Everything is the same as last week- nothing has changed. I have to say, I was pretty surprised. I thought she would be here already. Oh well, she will come when she is good and ready! 

Last week a friend of mine took some pictures for us! They are super awesome... aside from me looking giant! Anyways- she is really talented and took a half hour and did some awesome work. SO here are a few of my favorites! Thanks Trisha!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

28 years later...

28 years ago the most amazing man was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma- James Thomas Summers. You were special from the beginning. Not only were you made in God's image, but you were made to bring glory to him, something you have taken joy in doing for 28 years.

There are many things you loved growing up {most of which you still}. Let's be honest, anything that has to do with fixing things or getting dirty! You were all boy growing up and are still a kid in many ways. You enjoy taking risks and give everything 120%.

7 years ago, God brought you into my life. Little did we know that riding in the same van to Colorado would turn into so much. Of course, it took a while- which was good since I was 17! Plus I thought you were old and so had no interest in anything more than a friendship!

But over the course of the next year- things changed for both of us! After getting to know you over the course of that year and the next 6 years here is what I have learned about you-

1. You love God with all of your heart and desire to live your life for him- following His plan for your life

2. You love me... more than I could ever ask someone too- and let's be honest we all know I have changed quite a bit in the last 6 years and you choose to grow and change with me and continue to love me

3. You relish your role as a husband- being the head of the house. You take this job seriously and truly understand that in order for our marriage to be successful, God is at the center of everything- and our family is ultimately your responsibility

4. You are SO excited to become a dad. I have no doubt that you will be AMAZING

5. After God, me, our family... comes our immediate and extended family. You love being around people- especially our siblings, parents, and nieces and nephews!

6. You love all kids and desire for each one of them to know Jesus and experience God's love in their life- you truly LOVE what you do each day! 

7. You love working outside or fixing things. Even on your day off, you choose to work!

8. You are one of the most understanding people I have ever met {this only being exemplified through my constant schooling and now pregnancy... I have always had your support in doing whatever I need to do!}

9. You are slowly but surely turning into a sports fan. While my family would wish it wasn't because of OU- we all love that you now enjoy watching football and sometimes basketball!

10. Everything you do and who you are brings glory to God each day!

I am beyond blessed to have you in my life! Happy birthday! I love you more today than I did yesterday!

39 Weeks

So we have made it another week. I honestly did not think I would still be pregnant come December. Not that I am miserable or anything- I just thought she would have come by now. Of course now that it is December James is officially wanting her here! In fact, last night we went on a walk {in 35 degree weather} to try to move things along. He may even be coming home for a bit today to walk with me again! 
Oh and did I mention today is his birthday?? There's the other reason! Originally I really did not want her to be born on her birthday. I think because birthday's were such a big deal for us growing up, I want everyone to have their OWN day. However, I may have changed my mind. Considering she will be born in the next ten days for sure... they might as well have the same birthday {better than one or two days apart, in which they would be celebrating with other family at the same time anyways!}
We did see the doctor on Monday. She is back in town and not going anywhere! So as of Monday I was 3 cm dilated... which is more than last time. I have to admit that at that point I was really wishing things were further along. All in all everything was good. 
How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of baby: mini watermelon {almost as creepy as the time the baby was the size of a small dog}
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +42 {ish}
Maternity Clothes: basically I wear sweats or maternity tights everyday! I have finally given in to the full panel jeans... blah. I don't like them, but it is nice to be able to wear jeans again!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly
Sleep: still sleeping pretty good

What I miss:  laying on my stomach, exercising, having clothes to wear...
Cravings: still apples... also I basically put cool whip on lots of new things

Best Moment This Week:  James' birthday today! 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

38 Weeks

How Far Along: 38 Weeks
Size of baby: about 7 1/2 pounds and the length of a leek
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +40
Maternity Clothes: basically I wear sweats or maternity tights everyday! I have finally given in to the full panel jeans... blah. I don't like them, but it is nice to be able to wear jeans again!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly
Sleep: eh- On days that I work, I sleep great and usually only wake up one or two times in the night. On days I don't work, I wake up constantly- either to go to the bathroom or from her moving around!
What I miss:  being able to sit long enough to watch and entire movie- there are a lot I want to see right now, but would be way too uncomfortable. {And we didn't get to see Wicked this week for this same reason!}
Cravings: Fuji {sp?} apples and thanks to one of the teachers at school- cookies with icing!
Best Moment This Week:  Not so much baby related- but getting to see {almost} the whole family for Thanksgiving! It is so much fun to have my siblings home. I am def. blessed to call them my best friends!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

37 Weeks

How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Size of baby: as of Friday- she weighs 6 lbs 10 oz
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +40
Maternity Clothes: basically I wear sweats or maternity tights everyday! What a wonderful invention!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly- it is even kind of painful!
Sleep: Still pretty good- it does take a while to fall asleep due to all the movement
What I miss: being able to it for more than five minutes before my back starts hurting
Cravings: Fuji {sp?} apples
Best Moment This Week:  We were cleared by both doctors to go full term if needed... 

Today is pretty excited in the baby realm... We FINALLY got our stroller this morning! I can't wait to get it out and put it all together- maybe even give it a test run with Hadlee! The car seat is supposed to be here today as well. So hopefully they will come while I am home.

I guess nothing else has really changed. I am just tired all the time. Oh and nauseous and having headaches. Basically it feels like the first trimester all over again. At least it will only be three weeks at the very most. 

Oh yea, and my doctor is going to be out of town for the entire week of Thanksgiving. I am sure the other doctors there are great and all, but I would really like to deliver with my doctor. So, if she doesn't come before Friday, hopefully she will hold on until the 29th! 

I guess no pictures right now. I took some new ones but it just isn't working. So maybe I can add them later!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just the Two of Us

1. What are your middle names? Rae and Thomas
2. How long have you been together? Let's see- all together it has been just over six years. We have been married for 4 1/2 years.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? Technically we had known each other for a while because of church- but had actually been talking to each other for almost a year. (Actually seems like a long time, minus the fact that I was a junior in high school, and he was a sophomore in college)
4. Who asked who out? He asked me out
5. How old are each of you? I am 24 and James will be 28 in a couple of weeks
6. Did you go to the same school? We went to the same college

7. Are you from the same home town? Basically- James actually lived in a different town just a couple miles away
8. Who is the smartest? This depends. I think like school wise- maybe me just because I liked school, BUT James knows SO much about all sorts of other things. He knows computers, cars, anything electronic or technical. So overall, probably him. 

9. Who majored in what? I have a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education and James has his Bachelor's in Youth Ministry (?) Not sure of the exact wording of it! 

10. Who is the most sensitive? me
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Mexico- once on honeymoon and last Thanksgiving for his brother's wedding.

12. Who has the worst temper? Def. me. James never actually gets mad. Like NEVER, really.
13. How many children do you want? We have talked about having 3-4 but who knows! I think we will be more serious about that number after the first one is born. We want to adopt at least once.
14. Who does the cooking? I do- unless it is grilling.
15. Who is more social? James is by far more social than I am. He always wants to be around people- whereas I kind of need to be in the mood! 

16. Who is the neat freak? We both have our areas that we are neat about. But really probably neither of us!
17. Who is the most stubborn? We are both pretty stubborn
18. Who wakes up earlier? James right now, unless I am subbing. 
19. Where was your first date? Lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then the mall
20. Who has the bigger family? Our families are both pretty big
21. Do you get flowers often? Actually yes! James knows how much I love them and is awesome about bringing them to me randomly! 

22. How do you spend the holidays? We try our hardest to split the holidays...our families live really close, but it always just depends on when are siblings are coming in town. 

23. Who is more jealous? Neither of us
24. How long did it take to get serious? I guess a couple of months. But I think both of us kind of knew it was serious before we were actually dating!

25. Who eats more? I can eat a lot, especially right now. James may eat more at meal times but I snack all the time!
26. What do you do for a living? Right now I am subbing until the baby comes. Hopefully next year I will be able to find a teaching job. 
27. Who does the laundry? I do

28. Who's better with the computer? Def. James. I just get annoyed with them if I don't know what to do!
29. Who drives when you are together? Always James. I didn't even drive when we were driving back home from Chicago.

30. What is your song? I guess Broken Road... although I think now, I would maybe choose something more appropriate (plus my music knowledge has greatly expanded in the last 6 years!)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

36 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Size of baby: 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +39
Maternity Clothes: Nothing but maternity clothes from here on out... basically I wear a dress and tights everyday!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly
Sleep: Still pretty good- it does take a while to fall asleep due to all the movement
What I miss: not sure...
Cravings: mint oreos, Snapple Apple
Best Moment This Week: The final baby shower at the church! {will post about that later} We can't wait to finally have another ultrasound tomorrow and Friday. I am dying to know how big she is now!

Christmas Cards!

So maybe it is a little early for Christmas, but around here, preparations are in full swing. I changed out from Fall decorations to Christmas decorations late last week... and James may have out the lights on the house over the weekend! Of course, our excuse is that we needed to get everything done, in case baby girl decides to come early. Which this may be slightly true. But I probably would have only held off another week or so!

With Christmas comes Christmas cards! We haven't done a card in a couple of years, mostly because it just seems awkward when it is just the two of us, year after year! But of course this year will be different. The card will probably end up being just our sweet baby. {maybe we will sneak in a family pic}

In my excitement I have already started looking at cards online {and I am trying to budget for how much we will be spending on cards}. Now, I have never used Shutterfly before, but after reading another blog post and scouting out their cards- that is where our cards will be coming from! I actually was pretty surprised by how many cute cards they have! And since most people around here get their cards from Sam's, there is less chance we will be a duplicate of another family! So without further ado... a few of my favorites!
I love this one!! It is so cute and simple... and love the black and white picture with the pop of color!
One of my favorites... mainly because of the font at the top!
So I guess we will be going for simple, but with a pop of color!! Because that is what I love about this card too!

Although it may take a while for me to actually decide! I am pretty sure I could look at those cards all day long!

To enjoy all of the holiday cards....
Click Here

One more bonus... Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up:

Can't wait to get these beautiful cards made... just have to wait for baby girl to arrive!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

35 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 35 Weeks
Size of baby: 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +39
Maternity Clothes: Nothing but maternity clothes from here on out... and even those are getting too small!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly- starting to really feel her in my ribs!
Sleep: Still pretty good- it does take a while to fall asleep due to all the movement
What I miss: zumba: I was having contractions consistently throughout the class the last two times, so yea basically the whole working out business is over until after the first of the year.
Cravings: ice cream ALL THE TIME!
Best Moment This Week:  
-We finally hung everything on the wall in the nursery- too bad I have changed my mind about a couple of things and they will now be moved around! 
-Also, finally meeting with and choosing a Pediatrician. One more thing to check off the list! 
- Lastly, my doctor originally thought that we might have to induce early (because of a blood disorder I had when I was little), but since there have been NO complications I have been cleared to go as long as this baby needs! So good news there! 
I feel like I am SO much bigger than this!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

34 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 34 Weeks!
Size of baby: who knows... giant?
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +37 {hate writing that... but it WILL ALL come off! Plus maybe a little extra}
Maternity Clothes: Nothing but maternity clothes from here on out
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly- starting to really feel her in my ribs!
Sleep: Still pretty good- it does take a while to fall asleep due to all the movement
What I miss:
Cravings: nothing specific
Best Moment This Week: finishing a few projects for the nursery... maybe in the next week we will actually get them on the wall

Sorry, no picture today. I actually did get up and get ready {because I subbed again today} but forgot to take a picture. And now I am in my sweats and pretty sure I am not getting off the couch until I am moving to the bed! So yea. 

About subbing.... yesterday was amazing, while today- not so much. It was first grade again but at a different school. Let's just say it was rough. They were pretty much out of control and I spent the day trying to not constantly yell at them and actually complete something from the lesson plans. Oh well. I survived the day. 

Now, on to bed so I can go to work tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You must be 62...

So today I had a wonderful day. I have been trying to sub in Owasso, but have barely gotten to because of work and doctor's appointments. Well today I subbed in 1st grade at Stone Canyon here in Owasso. Let me just say I was pretty excited. This basically {is} my dream job! I love 1st graders for their attitudes, energy and of course the crazy things they say. {And I love teaching them to read and seeing the "get" it!} The day was great! It was so nice having 18 kids {as opposed to 25 in my student teaching last Spring]. It was calm, mostly {except the one student that constantly was telling me what they do next}. Eventually I ended up showing the class the lesson plans, telling them I had a plan for the day but if I had questions I would ask!

They were just great though! And I get to go back to this school to sub next week twice! Super excited!

{At the end of the day they were allowed to ask me any questions they wanted. The first one was about my age... and yes, the first guess was 62!}

Friday, October 22, 2010

Show Us Your Life: Baby S Room

Welcome all from Kelly's Korner. I am pretty excited about this weeks topic, seeing as how we are expecting our first baby girl in roughly 4-6 weeks! Crazy is really the only way to explain this.

We still have a few things to do in the room. Basically our whole goal was for the room not to be too loud. I was really nervous that if we went with bright, girly colors I would get sick of it pretty quickly! So we went more neutral. The idea is mainly to have the different shades of green with small pops of pink and brown. {Originally it was green and plum, but it was super hard to find true plum that wasn't expensive}. 

I was hoping to have the room totally done by this point- but no such luck. We are still working on things. So here it is: a work in progress.

This is looking in from the door. I have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the paint. It is exactly what we wanted! It took my wonderful {amazing} husband many, many hours to do this, but it is perfect. And I promised him that it can stay this way until we move out of this house! The wreath I made using all the flowers from my sisters wedding this summer. {Don't mind the small type Christmas tree- James is super ready for christmas this year, so we bought a tree for her room... probably will be moved to a new location at some point}

Still looking from the door. The crib, and rocker we got from my sister-in-law. The green bedding we got from my sister. I am planning to paint a canvas with Numbers 6:24 to hang over the crib. This was the blessing that my dad would say to us kids each night before we went to bed {even if we were at a friends house- we would call home for our blessing before bed}. It is a very special passage to me and something that I pray over our baby girl each day!

The changing table is very special as well. This dresser is actually the one that James was changed on as a kid. His mom let us have it {after I found it hiding in their house} and I am so glad she did. The mirror will be hanging above the dresser... soon.

For four years this dresser has not had knobs. After looking for quite a while, {deeply wishing I could afford knobs from Anthropologie} I finally broke down and just bought some knobs from Lowe's and painted them.

We also have a paper flower to hang in the room. Also, I have two dresses from when I was a baby that we will be hanging on the wall somewhere, hopefully from some super cute knobs too! 

We still need some things for the room like drapes, a lamp, some storage baskets... more I am sure! But we are getting there!