Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blogging again... for real!

So I am starting this blog again. Yes, I am aware I have said this about four times. Yes, I am aware that this lasted all of one day each time before. What is different this time? Well, nothing really. I mean I would say it is because I am not pregnant and I want to write about everything I am thinking and feeling... but I have now been pregnant for over six months and haven't felt the urge to blog about it yet.

I guess maybe I want to try blogging again because I love reading (stalking) them so much. I read blogs written by people I know in real life... and I read a TON of blogs written by people I have absolutely no connection, but happened upon for whatever reason.

I guess I want to blog because my husband keeps thinking I will make scrapbooks of things (especially after baby is born). However, I just don't see this happening. So blogging is kind of a way to appease that issue.

I guess I want to blog again because now I actually have some time on my hands. School has been such a priority the last, oh, five years that I have been taking 20+ hours every semester, working 30+ hours and completing internships in between. Every bit of my time has been consumed by those two things as well as being involved in church stuff. So now that the whole college thing is done, I have a day or two each week in which I find myself "off". Blogging is just one of those things that I should have time for now... although that could all change in the next 10-13 weeks, as we welcome our baby girl.

I am not going to be too hard on myself, but I am going to try to make this an actual thing.

So here goes nothing...

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