Monday, January 31, 2011

running again

As we all know, having a baby changes everything. Our daily lives have completely changed because of this precious cuddle bug that is sleeping on my lap right now! Not only have the happenings of our day changed... but that whole pregnancy definitely does a number on your {my} body. Now, if you are a good pregnant girl and gain the recommended 25-30 lbs things may not take too long to go back to normal. But, if you are like me and gain 45 lbs- this is not so much the case.

Thanksgiving: 38 weeks +45 lbs. but Elizabeth looks great!
While I am not super excited about that number, I can't say I did too much to stop it from getting this high. Yes, I walked and ran into my 32nd week of pregnancy and did zumba for a month after that... but I also ate mostly whatever I wanted {meaning ice cream about once a day!} While I didn't drink pop or really eat horrible foods, I still ate. The nice thing is that in the first two weeks postpartum you lose about 20-25 lbs, which is great. This still leaves a lingering 20 lbs.

So six and a half weeks after gaining a daughter I am running/zumba{ing} again. Let's just say it was ROUGH! Who knew that even after doing it for so long during pregnancy... the first time I ran I literally wanted to die. And let me add- running with a stroller is hard work! Even when you have this beauty to run with...

we had to test it out somehow!!
It is a super easy thing to push {with one hand}... but it def. adds more work!

I guess the main point to this post is that I need to put my goals out there into bloggy world... {hopefully helping me to stay motivated... since other people know what I am working towards!} So without further adu:

Health Goals for 2011
1. Run a 5k {in March}, 10k {in October}, & possibly a half marathon
Elizabeth and myself after running the Tulsa Run {10k} October 2009
2. Eat better {absolutely NO pop, more veggies, less sugar}
3. Zumba without dying {complete a zumbathon}
4. Reach goal weight of 150
         { I know what you are thinking... that it's not healthy to lose weight while breastfeeding. But I        did discuss this with my doctor and as long as I don't lose more than 8 lbs a month this is fine, which gives me anywhere from 5-8 months to reach this goal}
last time I weighed 150 lbs- honeymoon
5. Drink as much water as I did throughout pregnancy {that's 150 ounces a day}

So there it is. It is officially out there.

Hopefully our winter weather won't stay long so I can get back to actually running outside! {We are expecting 10-12 inches of snow tomorrow... so running outside won't be happening! I guess lifting weights and doing indoor exercises will have to do!}

oh how she loves her swing!
Because what post would be complete without a picture of Brynlee!!


  1. You can do it!!! I read somewhere that jogging/walking while pushing a stroller increases the amount of calories you burn by 30%. No wonder, considering how much harder it is. Just wait until she's 30 pounds! :-) I am proud of are doing and looking great! Also, I like the preggo picture of us--it's cute! And, I think I am on the path to about 45 pounds, too. More than I wanted, but better than 75! Sorry for the longest comment ever...maybe I should have just called you!

  2. Girl! U are awesome! U will do it!! I know it!! I am still trying to lose all my baby weight! Hee hee! U look great by the way...I was thinking that at Morgan's shower...:) U are motivating me to push myself. I need it!
