Wednesday, December 1, 2010

39 Weeks

So we have made it another week. I honestly did not think I would still be pregnant come December. Not that I am miserable or anything- I just thought she would have come by now. Of course now that it is December James is officially wanting her here! In fact, last night we went on a walk {in 35 degree weather} to try to move things along. He may even be coming home for a bit today to walk with me again! 
Oh and did I mention today is his birthday?? There's the other reason! Originally I really did not want her to be born on her birthday. I think because birthday's were such a big deal for us growing up, I want everyone to have their OWN day. However, I may have changed my mind. Considering she will be born in the next ten days for sure... they might as well have the same birthday {better than one or two days apart, in which they would be celebrating with other family at the same time anyways!}
We did see the doctor on Monday. She is back in town and not going anywhere! So as of Monday I was 3 cm dilated... which is more than last time. I have to admit that at that point I was really wishing things were further along. All in all everything was good. 
How Far Along: 39 Weeks
Size of baby: mini watermelon {almost as creepy as the time the baby was the size of a small dog}
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +42 {ish}
Maternity Clothes: basically I wear sweats or maternity tights everyday! I have finally given in to the full panel jeans... blah. I don't like them, but it is nice to be able to wear jeans again!
Gender: Girl
Movement: Constantly
Sleep: still sleeping pretty good

What I miss:  laying on my stomach, exercising, having clothes to wear...
Cravings: still apples... also I basically put cool whip on lots of new things

Best Moment This Week:  James' birthday today! 

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