Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You must be 62...

So today I had a wonderful day. I have been trying to sub in Owasso, but have barely gotten to because of work and doctor's appointments. Well today I subbed in 1st grade at Stone Canyon here in Owasso. Let me just say I was pretty excited. This basically {is} my dream job! I love 1st graders for their attitudes, energy and of course the crazy things they say. {And I love teaching them to read and seeing the "get" it!} The day was great! It was so nice having 18 kids {as opposed to 25 in my student teaching last Spring]. It was calm, mostly {except the one student that constantly was telling me what they do next}. Eventually I ended up showing the class the lesson plans, telling them I had a plan for the day but if I had questions I would ask!

They were just great though! And I get to go back to this school to sub next week twice! Super excited!

{At the end of the day they were allowed to ask me any questions they wanted. The first one was about my age... and yes, the first guess was 62!}

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